Today, we bring you a list of the best Linux distributions you can run on the Orange Pi Zero 3 perfectly.
It is a new board, so there are only few Linux distros are official supported.
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More information can be found on Github.
Files can be download here.
1. Official
1.1. Orange Pi OS(Arch)
- Default login:
- Does not have a default orangepi user and password, impossible to log in remotely through the serial port and ssh
- Orange Pi OS need a HDMI output for the first boot
1.2. Ubuntu
- Default login
- User: “root“; Password: “orangepi“
- User: “orangepi“; Password: “orangepi“
1.3. Debian
- Default login
- User: “root“; Password: “orangepi“
- User: “orangepi“; Password: “orangepi“
1.4. Android
1.5. OpenWrt
- Default login
- User: “root“; Password: “”
2. madebyme
2.1. Alpine
2.2. Void
I didn’t test it in GUI mode yet, maybe HDMI will not work.
- Default login
- User: “root“; Password: “orangepi“
- User: “pico“; Password: “orangepi“
- root ssh is disabled by default, sudo & doas are properly configured
2.x. FreeBSD maybe?
3. 3rdparty
3.1. Armbian
- First boot login
- User: “root“; Password: “1234“
3.2. DietPi
- First boot login
- User: “root“; Password: “dietpi“
- Download from the author here
3.2. Kali Linux
- Default login
- User: “kali“; Password: “kali“
- Download from the author here
3.3. Raspberry Pi OS
- Default login
- User: “opi“; Password: “opi“
- ssh is not enabled by default, HDMI output is needed
3.3.1. Config your Rasperry Pi OS by run this command
$ sudo raspi-config
3 Interface Options → I2 SSH
Enable SSH
6 Advanced Options → A1 Expand Filesystem
Expand your root partition
3.3.2. You’ll also need to change the language to English by run this command
$ sudo localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
Then edit /etc/default/locale
$ sudo nano /etc/default/locale
Delete all languages except English.
And here we go!
- Download from the author here
3.4. Fedora
- Default login
- User: “root“; Password: “”
- Download from the author here