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Resize rootfs after install Void Linux on Raspberry Pi
Install Void Linux on Raspberry Pi is easy since it Void Linux offer Raspberry Pi images.
But when I install some packages on Void Linux it tell me there is not enough of space. Rootfs only have 2GB in total 32GB of my SD Card.
I use PiShrink to reduce the image before but it didn’t help auto expand root partition. I found out that Void Linux doens’t have raspi-config or something like that then it didn’t work.
So I made it works in manual way.
# sfdisk -N 2 /dev/mmcblk0 --force
sfdisk shell
- +
then reboot
# reboot
log back then resize
# resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
restart then check it
# df -h
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