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Vui lòng gọi 0345-148-136 để mua hàng. Mặt hàng này không bán Shopee. The LinkStar-H28K has two Gigabit network ports that use PCIE/RGMII gigabit technology and a Quad-core chip. It has LPDDR4X 1-4GB memory and 8GB eMMC storage that can be expanded up to 512 GB with a TF card. It also has a 5V-12V…
Vui lòng gọi 0345-148-136 để mua hàng. Mặt hàng này không bán Shopee.
The LinkStar-H28K has two Gigabit network ports that use PCIE/RGMII gigabit technology and a Quad-core chip. It has LPDDR4X 1-4GB memory and 8GB eMMC storage that can be expanded up to 512 GB with a TF card. It also has a 5V-12V Type-C connection for PD (Power Delivery) capability.
RAM | 1GB, 2GB, 4GB |
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